Care Instructions for Nambu Iron Kettle 南部鉄瓶お手入れ方法

**Care Instructions**

### **Before First Use**
1. Fill the kettle up to 80% capacity with water.
2. Slightly shift the lid and bring the water to a boil.
3. Discard the water.
4. Repeat this process three times before using the kettle.

### **After Use**
– Depending on your needs, either dry the lid or store it separately in another container, such as a pot.
– Always empty the kettle after use.
– Remove the lid and allow the kettle to dry naturally using residual heat.
– Do not rub or scrub the inside of the kettle with a sponge or similar materials, as this may cause rust.

### **Precautions**
1. After use, remove the kettle from heat. Be cautious, as the lid and handle remain hot.
2. When storing on high shelves, ensure it is placed securely to prevent falls.
3. To prevent spills, do not fill the kettle beyond 80% capacity.
4. Do not heat the kettle while empty, as this can cause rust.
5. Avoid pouring cold water onto the hot kettle, as it may lead to rust or cracking.
6. If not using the kettle for an extended period, thoroughly dry it before storing in a dry place.
7. Do not use in microwave ovens or dishwashers.

### **If Red or Cloudy Water Appears**
1. Fill the kettle up to 80% capacity with water.
2. Add a Sencha tea bag and bring it to a boil.
3. Let it simmer for 15–20 minutes without allowing it to boil dry.
4. Repeat this process 2–3 times.
5. Then, boil plain water 1–2 times before resuming regular use.


### お手入れ方法








### お取扱い上のご注意

1. ご使用後、鉄瓶を火気から外し、蓋・ツルは熱いままなので火傷に注意してください。
2. 高所に収納する場合は落下にご注意ください。
3. 拭きこぼれを防ぐために水の量は八分目まで蓋を外してください。
4. サビの原因になるため、空焚きはおやめください。
5. 錆び・ヒビ防止のため、熱いまま水をかけないでください。
6. 長時間ご使用にならない場合は十分に水気を取り除いてから乾燥してる場所に保管してください
7. 電子レンジ、食器洗い乾燥機ではご使用になれません。

### 赤く濁ったお湯が出た時


